Wednesday, January 20, 2010

boom bust recovery

click on the picture above to get a closer look at my project.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Write a blog post where you explain whether or not you think the United States should or should not get involved in other countries affairs.

To me I think none of the war should of go on. Like now we fighting in Iraq for nothing. Our people over there dyeing everyday. Families not doing to good because their families are fighting for their country, they do not know if they are going to be alive or dead. But I am thankful that my cousin came home safe but I don’t know about my other cousin boyfriend going to be when he comes home. The war should just end now for the 2009 year, we been in this for too long.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Is it ok to get involved on other people's business?

I don’t think its ok but I have got in my mom’s but as I grew up I though that it’s not ok, because I don’t want my mom in my business. But every time my mom talk I would try to lesson to what she is talking bout. But the only time it’s ok to get in someone business it when someone talking bout killing someone or robbing anything that has to do with something that will get them in jail. People should mind their own business all the time. They don’t need to be in people business all the time. Really they don’t need to mind their own business all the time till they here something going wrong.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Looking at the people getting their leg amputated

This is sick to see the people get their legs cut off
This is not understandable why they do this
This is not easy to look at
My bread basket is turned up side down

You hear people screaming
It looks like the peoples brains are going to pop out
It sounds like when you step on something and it cracks
People crying

Blood is going everywhere
They do not cover it up
It is like people do not even care
People’s face turns red

You don’t smell anything too much
But when the legs and the blood sit there for a minute then it starts to smell
It smells like raw fish
It smells like a dead person

I do not like seeing this
It’s like one day you can walk but the next day you can not walk because it got cut off
I would not like to see this up close
If I was there I would cry because I would feel the pain they going through

Looking at the people dying

This is the most bloody seen that the woods have ever seen
The woods would think that this is so bad
This should not be happening to our people
This is not what they should be going through

This is hard to listen to
Everything is happening to fast
The sounds of the hornets are very loud
It sounds like a big huge bomb

It smells like a skunk sprayed somebody
It smells like a dog done did number 2
It smells like they have been sitting here for some years
I do not like this smell

People are getting killed
Something you do not want to look at
Something you could not stand looking at
It is sad to look at something like this

I think this a bad thing to look at
The people do not deserve to die like this
This war should not have taken place at all
The people should feel bad about everything they did

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Is it all about the money?

Are people actions driven by money?
Does money lead to happiness?
Are the people that have money any better than those that don't?
How do the wealthy get their money? Was it their work or others work that makes them rich?
Is it the responsibility of those that have money to share with others?
Well I do think it is all about money because you don’t get anything for free. I thank that people are driven by money because they think that money is their world. To some people it does lead to happiness but some people is not satisfied with what they have. I don’t think no body is better than anybody they might think so but I do not. I think they get their money by check in their hank I don’t know. I think it is their work that gets them rich. They don’t have to share their money but if they do then they should help the hungry and the homeless people.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Think about a time when you were involved in a fight, either verbal or physical.

Think about a time when you were involved in a fight, either verbal or physical.

What led up to the fight
Whether or not your tried to avoid the fight and how
The events of the fight
The outcome of the fight
Did the fight improve or hurt your relationship with that person?
Any lesson(s) you learned from the fight

Well I was just in a fight my 11th grade year when I started Clarke Central high school. I was trying to be the big one about it and not fight them because they were in the 9th grade girls and an 11th grade boy. Well they wanted to act like some little kids and through paper and change. And I let them know we not any little kids her we are in high school and we need to be grown about what we do. I tried not to fight them by talking to them but that did not help they did not want to here it at all. It was 5 of them and 3 of us fighting. Well my sister a real friend and I won the fight. It was not really a friendship involved we did not really talk the only thing was hey and bye thing that’s the only thing. Well they learned their lesson not to be all big and bad about everything it’s a time for everything, but it was not too much of a lesson to learn from it.